Posts tagged with Humanitarian Crisis

Thursday, 18 July 2024
Start of a new wave of deportations from Libya to Niger - 463 people left in Dirkou following deportation

10,000 people arrested in Libya for deportation, according to local sources

Friday, 05 May 2023
Alarme Phone Sahara report on situation at Assamaka, May 2023

Humanitarian crisis persists in Assamaka despite aid initiatives. Deported migrants make an urgent appeal to their heads of state and the African Union.

Saturday, 01 April 2023
Assamaka, Niger-Algeria border: More than 10,000 people deported in 3 months amidst a humanitarian crisis

With unprecedented frequency, people of various origins are being deported from Algeria to Niger. In the 3 months from the beginning of 2023 to the 1st of April, at least 11336 people were concerned according to the observations of the Alarme Phone Sahara team.

Friday, 17 March 2023
Urgent appeal: Humanitarian crisis in Assamaka on the Niger-Algeria border: Thousands of people deported from Algeria in vulnerable conditions and left on their own in the middle of the Sahara without shelter and care.

Urgent appeal by Alarme Phone Sahara on humanitarian crisis in Assamaka on the Niger-Algeria border, published on 15th of March 2023

Sunday, 04 December 2022
Niger end 2022: Humanitarian emergency in the face of mass deportations and inaccessibility to IOM services

Deportations from Algeria to Niger continue on a large scale, with 5181 people deported between 29th of October and 04th of December 2022 according to Alarme Phone Sahara's observations. At the same time, Alarme Phone Sahara observes that thousands of migrants in Niger, including newly arrived deportees, no longer have access to the services of the International Organization for Migration (IO