Posts tagged with Libye

Saturday, 24 August 2024
Niger: The plight of deportees

Impressions from the Agadez region from May to August 2024

Thursday, 18 July 2024
Start of a new wave of deportations from Libya to Niger - 463 people left in Dirkou following deportation

10,000 people arrested in Libya for deportation, according to local sources

Tuesday, 17 October 2023
The fire of hope in the desert as an alert signal to save lives

17.10.2023: 20 migrants in distress rescued in northern Niger on the road between Dirkou and the Libyan border.

Wednesday, 04 October 2023
🔴Distress call from a Cameroonian migrant in Libya🔴

Alarme Phone Sahara was contacted by a Cameroonian migrant who has been trying for 6 years to cross the #Mediterranean to get to #Europe.

Thursday, 06 July 2023
Stop the hunt on migrants in Tunisia and deportations to the border! Help and evacuation for people deported to the no-man's-land on the Tunisian-Libyan border!

Alarme Phone Sahara strongly condemns the racist attacks, hunts on migrant and mass deportations to the Libyan and Algerian borders that have intensified in Tunisia since the end of June 2023.

Friday, 15 July 2022
Externalised control and criminalisation: New "operational partnership against migrant smuggling" between Frontex and EUCAP Sahel Niger

On 15th of July 2022, a new "operational partnership against migrant smuggling", also called „working arrangement“, was signed in Brussels between Frontex and the EU Capacity Building Mission, EUCAP Sahel Niger, in the presence of Niger‘s Interior Minister Hamadou Adamou Souley.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022
Issouf Garba - a story of a migrant and the solidarity of Alarme Phone Sahara

The story of Issouf Garba, of the ordeal he went through between Libya and Niger and of his return to his family with the support of Alarme Phone Sahara.

Sunday, 15 May 2022
Report of the Alarme Phone Sahara mission to Dirkou, Bilma, Latai and Siguidine

With the aim of research and of improving the work of Alarme Phone Sahara on the ground, a mission took place to visit Dirkou, Bilma, Latai and Siguidine in the zone of the Kawar desert in the North of Niger, a zone crossed by many migrants and travelers. The region is also known for its dangerous risks on the migration routes and many migrants have lost their lives and been burried in the Kawar desert.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Time to listen to Refugees in Libya!

It is the 189th day the @RefugeesinLibya protest. Since October 2021, hundreds have self-organized to claim their rights. They face violence and oppression but continue to fight. Now, it's time to listen.

Follow their online event on April 13, 7pm CEST:

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Migrants currently on the Libya-Niger route have alerted the authorities of Niger that they are stranded in the desert and dying of thirst. They are calling for help from the authorities.

Trigger waring: Photo shared by people in distress can be harmful to look at!