Stranded in Niger, with no evacuation flights and no hope of help from the IOM or other institutions, Malian migrants left Arlit in northern Niger on foot on 30 October 2023.
Posts tagged with Niger

17.10.2023: 20 migrants in distress rescued in northern Niger on the road between Dirkou and the Libyan border.

At least 5,012 people deported from Algeria to Niger from 26 July till 18 October 2023.
A video report about the precarious situation of migrants and refugees in Agadez, Niger, after July 26th military coup and atrocities many of them had to face when they were in Algeria. Published by Channel 4 News:

Statement by Alarme Phone Sahara on the situation in Niger after 26th of July 2023 military coup. Alarme Phone Sahara demands to stop threats of war and lift sanctions imposed on Niger, to organise humanitarian corridors, evacuations and resettlements for migrants and refugees stranded in Niger and to guarantee humanitarian assistance for those in need.
A short documentary by "Deutsche Welle" showing glimpses on situations of migrants and refugees in Agadez and Assamaka in Niger, deportations from Algeria and practical solidarity work by Alarme Phone Sahara:

At a time when thousands of migrants and refugees are trapped in a country troubled by sanctions and threats of war, Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) continues its practical solidarity.
Humanitarian crisis persists in Assamaka despite aid initiatives. Deported migrants make an urgent appeal to their heads of state and the African Union.

Presentation of the 6th Atlas on civil society 2023 by Brot für die Welt
Focus on migrant defenders

The two persons were interviewed by the Alarme Phone Sahara team.