Posts tagged with Assistance

Thursday, 18 July 2024
Start of a new wave of deportations from Libya to Niger - 463 people left in Dirkou following deportation

10,000 people arrested in Libya for deportation, according to local sources

Friday, 26 April 2024
Deportations of migrants from Algeria to Niger: The Algerian ambassador summoned to the Niger Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the many violent deportations of migrants from its territory

Alarme Phone Sahara welcomes the Nigerien government's response to Algeria over the mass pushbacks in the desert towards Niger.

Friday, 21 October 2022
October 2022: Deportations from Algeria to Niger continue - assistance to deportees by Alarme Phone Sahara's tricycle

Between 8th and 21st of October 2022, at least 1964 people from various countries were deported from Algeria to Niger. The number of people deported since the beginning of 2022 is now at least 19069.

The Alarme Phone Sahara team from Assamaka went to "Point Zero" with their tricycle to assist the deportees, especially the sick, injured and weakened, to get to the village of Assamaka.

Sunday, 31 July 2022
Alarme Phone Sahara Tricycle in Assamaka: Practical assistance for deported persons

To assist people deported with convoys from Algeria arriving in Assamaka at the Algerian-Nigerian border, Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) has purchased a tricycle tuctuc vehicle that is used for different situations of need or distress.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Genesis of a migratory journey on the roads of the Sahara

The story of 16 young Guinean migrants deported from Algeria to Niger, their return to Guinea and the many problems with the IOM they faced during their difficult journey.

Tuesday, 08 June 2021
Alarme Phone Sahara's assistance for migrants in Agadez

While many migrants and refugees are blocked in Niger, often as a consequence of brutal mass deportations from Algeria, Alarme Phone Sahara in Agadez is organising various forms of practical assistance. For example for a migrant woman from Nigeria whose personal belongings had been misappropriated or for people in distress after having been deported from Algeria:

Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Food kit to mitigate migrant vulnerability

Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) is fulfilling the proposal of one of its partners to provide assistance to migrant households blocked in their right to move. A total of eight (8) households testify to this humanitarian gesture which is materializing at a crucial moment.