Posts tagged with Agadez

Wednesday, 06 January 2021
-+Donation request message for the collective kitchen-+

The kitchen has become an important structure for the APS to get in touch with migrants.

Make a donation to ensure the continuity of the activity!

Friday, 25 December 2020
Migrants and Christian Orphans Together on Christmas Eve 2020

The Collective Kitchen of Alarme Phone Sahara in Agadez / Niger invites migrants and orphans together for a Christmas dinner - a celebration in the sense of human solidarity:

Friday, 25 December 2020
Spendenaufruf: Unterstützt die Gemeinschaftsküche für Migrant*innen in Agadez!

Seit Juli 2020 organisiert das Team des Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) in Agadez/Niger mit großem Engagement jeden Samstag eine Gemeinschaftsküche für Migrant*innen, die derzeit in der Stadt Agadez leben.

Die Gemeinschaftsküche ist eine praktische Antwort auf eine Situation, in der viele Migrant*innen und Flüchtlinge in Niger gestrandet sind, und täglich unter sehr prekären Bedingungen um ihr Überleben kämpfen. Diese ist durch die weltweite Coronakrise noch extrem verschärft worden.

Beteiligt euch mit einer Spende, damit die Arbeit der Gemeinschaftsküche für Migrant*innen in Agadez weitergehen kann!

Saturday, 31 October 2020
Algeria - Niger: At least 6747 people deported since 30th of September

People who were deported report brutal violence and theft by Algerian security forces.


Thursday, 24 September 2020
Climate crisis: Floods in the West African coutry of Niger (September 2020)

Video & speech on the occasion of the World Day of Action on Climate Change - by Moctar Dan Yaye, Alarme Phone Sahara


Sunday, 21 June 2020
Testimony by Yahaya Oumarou, deported from Algeria to Niger on 20th of June 2020

Yahaya Oumarou was deported from Algeria to Niger in June 2020 with an "official convoy". He arrived in Agadez on 20th of June 2020 with a group of 240 people who had been deported.


Saturday, 04 July 2020
Agadez: Collective Kitchen for migrants stranded in Niger

On 4th of July 2020, the 1st Collective Kitchen for migrants stranded in Niger took place at the Alarme Phone Sahara office in Agadez.

Tuesday, 02 June 2020
Assistance to travelers in distress on the Agadez-Dirkou desert track

Frequent cases of distress in the desert have already killed many people during the last few years. The whistleblowers of Alarme Phone Sahara, likeLaouel Taher, are doing their best to assist people in distress and help to save their lives.

Sunday, 26 April 2020
Statement by Malian migrants stranded at the IOM Transit Centre in Agadez

A group of migrants from Mali who were deported from Algeria to Niger and who are stranded at the IOM Transit Centre in Agadez addressed the people, the authorities and the President of Mali with the request to facilitate their return home:

Video declaration on Facebook Média A

Sunday, 23 February 2020
Agadez: 111 Refugees sentenced after crackdown on protest at UNHCR

Reports about abuses by security forces. Refugees forced to sleep in the desert without shelter.