Posts tagged with Agadez

Saturday, 04 January 2020
Agadez: UNHCR camp set on fire by refugees after weeks of unanswered protests

Niger authorities arrest 335 asylum seekers. Alarme Phone Sahara says No to the criminalization of desperate people, but calls on those in charge of resolving the situation to opt for more realistic and feasible solutions based on the demands of the refugees!

Monday, 16 December 2019
Agadez, 16th of December 2019: Refugees leave camp and start sit in at UNHCR

On 16th of December 2019, almost 1000 refugees left the UNHCR camp in Agadez, Niger, and started a sit-in at the UNHCR office.

Manif soudanais Agadez
Friday, 19 July 2019
Agadez: Sudanese minors returned to camp, waiting for solutions from UNHCR


According to Alarme Phone Sahara team in Agadez, the minor refugees who had made a demonstration through the main roads of Agadez before setting off for the desert finally returned to the UNHCR camp, waiting for solutions.

march through the desert 2
Thursday, 18 July 2019
Minor refugees march into the desert in protest


Sudanese minors who had been at the UNHCR refugee camp in Agadez/Niger have left the refugee camp on 18th of July to march through the desert towards Libya in protest against their situation.