Call for protest e-Mails to Alessandra Morelli, UNHCR representative in Niger
Video of refugee protest at Hamdallaye
Call for protest e-Mails to Alessandra Morelli, UNHCR representative in Niger
Video of refugee protest at Hamdallaye
Once again, Sudanese refugees living in UNHCR refugee camps in Agadez are adressing themselves to the UNHCR with the urgent demand for a solution for their situation, as they have been blocked in Niger since 2017 without any positive results for their cases. Read and spread their demands:
Sudanese refugee sit-in in Agadez, Dec. 2019
As borders between African states are closed due to the Corona crisis, deportations and pushbacks continue and thousands of migrants and refugees are stranded in transit countries such as Niger. Protests arise while people complain about bad living conditions inside camps and mismanagement by the IOM.
In Arlit, around 640 people, mostly migrants deported from Algeria, are currently stranded in the IOM transit camp. On 20th of April, people protested and revolted against the unbearable conditions in which they are currently living.
©Fatma Ben Hamad, "Obesrvateurs France 24"
Reports about abuses by security forces. Refugees forced to sleep in the desert without shelter.
Niger authorities arrest 335 asylum seekers. Alarme Phone Sahara says No to the criminalization of desperate people, but calls on those in charge of resolving the situation to opt for more realistic and feasible solutions based on the demands of the refugees!
On 16th of December 2019, almost 1000 refugees left the UNHCR camp in Agadez, Niger, and started a sit-in at the UNHCR office.
By Moctar Dan Yaye, Niamey
This year, Thursday, 20th of June, was celebrated around the world as International Refugee Day. But in Niger the celebration of this day was interrupted by demonstrations.