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Thursday, 07 January 2021
Statements by visitors of the Collective Kitchen in Agadez

Visitors of the Collective Kitchen, among them one music artist, share their views:


Tuesday, 29 September 2020
The hidden face of migration in the life of Roukayat Olalere

Originally from Nigeria, Roukayat is about 30 years old. She has lived outside her native country, settling in Tripoli (capital of Libya) since 2018, working as a housekeeper in an indigenous family. Her situation began to worry her about 8 months ago, she explains. Fallen ill and without assistance, she decided to return home. She arrived on September 04, 2020 in Agadez, Niger where Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) received the alert on the case of this young lady whose future is rocking between life and death and left to herself in a bus station.
On September 08, 2020, a Nigerian national came to the APS office to inform about the case of Roukayat who would be in a bus station in the area and suffering from general fatigue, cough and nausea. Having been prosecuted and arrested in the past with a sentence of 12 months in prison, the informant did not want to take the risk of dealing with Roukayat's case personally to avoid falling into the trap of the intelligence services that enforce Law 036-2015 in force since 2016 in Niger. However, his duty to assist prompted him to turn to APS. The APS team went to the station mentioned above in the company of the informant for translation in case the woman had communication barriers.

Thursday, 24 September 2020
Climate crisis: Floods in the West African coutry of Niger (September 2020)

Video & speech on the occasion of the World Day of Action on Climate Change - by Moctar Dan Yaye, Alarme Phone Sahara


Saturday, 01 August 2020
Heartfelt pleas from Refugees in Niger

Once again, Sudanese refugees living in UNHCR refugee camps in Agadez are adressing themselves to the UNHCR with the urgent demand for a solution for their situation, as they have been blocked in Niger since 2017 without any positive results for their cases. Read and spread their demands:


 Sudanese refugee sit-in in Agadez, Dec. 2019


Monday, 27 July 2020
Testimony of Maman Na Hajau on his deportation from Algeria

Maman Na Hajau arrived in Assamaka, on the Algerian-Nigerian border, with a group of 683 people deported from Algeria in an "official convoy" on 27th of July 2020. He was interviewed by Oumarou Hadi, Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) alert person in Assamaka.

Sunday, 21 June 2020
Testimony by Yahaya Oumarou, deported from Algeria to Niger on 20th of June 2020

Yahaya Oumarou was deported from Algeria to Niger in June 2020 with an "official convoy". He arrived in Agadez on 20th of June 2020 with a group of 240 people who had been deported.


Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Migrants and refugees deported to Niger despite Corona crisis and stranded in IOM camps. Protests sparked by unbearable conditions.

As borders between African states are closed due to the Corona crisis, deportations and pushbacks continue and thousands of migrants and refugees are stranded in transit countries such as Niger. Protests arise while people complain about bad living conditions inside camps and mismanagement by the IOM.

Saturday, 18 April 2020
Freedom for Moussa Tchangari and the other representatives of civil society in Niger!

Alarme Phone Sahara, together with Afrique-Europe Interact, supports the struggle for the liberation of the representatives of the Nigerien civil society arrested after a demonstration against corruption and bad governance on 15th of March 2020 in Niamey, capital of Niger.


Send support letters to demand freedom for Moussa Tchangari, Mounkaila Halidou, Sani Chekaraou, Moudy Moussa, Habibou Soumaila and Maikoul Zodi!

Monday, 13 April 2020
Niger: Pushbacks and containment under the sign of the Covid crisis-19

The situation in the face of the Corona crisis also produces new challenges and plights for people on the flight- and migration routes in Niger, as borders are shut down and a signifficant number of people remain blocked at IOM and UNHCR camps and transit centres.

© Info Migrants

Monday, 13 April 2020
Testimony by Galius Moumouni Efouad, presently at the IOM transit centre in Arlit, Niger

Galius Moumouni Efouad was deported from Algeria to the border of Niger near Assamaka, put in quarantine and then brought to the IOM transit centre in Arlit.