Article by Mauro Armanino
Illustrations: Dan Yayé M
Article by Mauro Armanino
Illustrations: Dan Yayé M
On 7th of October 2021, refugees and migrants in Libya published an urgent letter to the African Union. After the latest wave of brutal raids against migrants and refugees in Tripoli. people started a protest in front of the Tripoli UNHCR office. According to refugees in Libya, 6 persons were murdered by detention guards.
An anasysis by ASGI, Italian partner organisation of Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) - with an interview with APS.
Read the article.
No to deportations from Algeria to Niger!
No to the criminalization of migration and the closure of borders and migration routes in Niger!
No to deportations from Algeria to Niger and Mali! Stop the persecution and violence against migrants!
On 2nd of January 2021, at least 100 people were killed in the commune of Mangaizé in the Tillabéry region of Niger - a sad climax of armed violence against the civilian population, which is now increasingly threatening life in several regions of Niger, after Mali and Burkina Faso.
On 6th of February 2021, CommemorActions for the 15 people murdered on 6th of February 2014 in Tarajal by the Spanish border police and for all those killed and disappeared at the borders and on migration routes took place, among others, in Agadez in Niger; Sokodé in Togo; Oujda and Saidia in Morocco; Dakar and Gandiol in Senegal; Madrid and other cities in Spain, Brussels and Liège in Belgium and Berlin and Frankfurt in Germany.
Algeria, a northern border country, has for years been deporting large numbers of mostly West African citizens to Assamaka village.
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Besucher der Kollektiven Küche, unter ihnen ein Musikkünstler, teilen ihre Ansichten und Erfahrungen:
Visitors of the Collective Kitchen, among them one music artist, share their views: