Posts tagged with Niger

Wednesday, 08 April 2020
Coronation Niger: Reflecetions by Mokamit

Reflections by Mokamit on the implications of the Corona crisis for the society in Niger and how the crisis is used for political gains of those in power.

Thursday, 12 March 2020
38 people rescued by APS team in the Sahara Desert between Niger and Libya

Practices of active solidarity, which should not be forgotten even in times when the corona crisis seems to overshadow everything:

On 12th and 13th of March 2020, 38 persons were rescued with the assistance of an Alarme Phone Sahara team near the Mafrouss well in the desert near the border between Niger and Libya.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020
October 2019 to January 2020: Continuation of deportation convoys from Algeria to Niger

Intensified migrant hunting campaign announced in Algeria

©Louiza Ammi/Liberté

Saturday, 18 January 2020
Demonstrations in Niamey against the presence of the French army and foreign military missions

Protest in the face of massive police repression

Sunday, 20 October 2019
September and October 2019: Massive deportations from Algeria to Niger

Deportation convoys and "humanitarian" deportation charter

Photo source:
Thursday, 03 October 2019
Arlit / Niger: People killed and others injured in a bus accident

Tragic accident after deportations from Algeria to Niger


HCR Niamey
Friday, 21 June 2019
Emergency evacuation mechanism for refugees: more than 1300 evacuees from Libya to Niger resettled (UNHCR)

An article in French on the evacuation of refugees from Libya to NIger on

Emergency evacuation mechanism for refugees: more than 1300 evacuees from Libya to Niger resettled (UNHCR)

Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Summary from the Algerian-Niger border at Assamakka since 17th of June 2019

Deportations, discovery of 4 dead people and a survivor woman found in the middle of the desert.

Despite the delay in news publications, much has happened in Assamakka's surroundings on the Algerian-Niger border since June 2019. This is a summary of the latest events based on the reports by Mohamed Souleymane, Alarm Phone Sahara's Alert Launcher in Assamakka, and Azizou Chehou, Alarm Phone Sahara's coordinator in Agadez:

Friday, 10 May 2019
Arrival of 370 persons refouled from Algeria at Assamakka, border of Niger

The refoulements from Algeria to Niger continue on a large scale.

Friday, 10 May 2019
Assamakka, border Algeria-Niger: At least 1316 people refouled since 1st of May 2019 - alarming situation of mentally ill people

According to the whistle blower of Alarme Phone Sahara, at least 1316 people have been refouled from Algeria to Niger in the zone of the Assamakka border checkpoint since 1st of May 2019, often under conditions of life-threatening human rights violations.