Posts tagged with Assamaka

Friday, 27 August 2021
Deportation convoys from Algeria to Niger continue during August 2021

Regular mass deportations from Algeria to Niger continue during the month of August 2021. With at least 1711 people deported on 3rd, 25th and 27th of August 2021, the number of people deported since the beginning of 2021 increases to at least 16580 people.

Tuesday, 30 March 2021
More deportations from Algeria to Niger on 28th and 30th of March - 6249 persons deported within March 2021

At least 1285 more people were deported from Algeria to Niger on 28th and 30th of March 2021. With that, the total number of people deported within March 2021 rises to the total number of at least 6249 persons.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Almost 5000 Migrants deported from Algeria to the border of Niger within one month while Niger is hit by a murderous terror campaign

New deportation convoys from Algeria into the desert border zone on 21st and 23rd of March 2021. At least 137 civilian persons murdered in the Tillia region in Niger.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Thousands deported from Algeria to Niger and Mali within few days. 60 People killed in a bus accident at deportation convoy? Demand for truth and clarification!

Official and non-official mass deportation convoys from Algeria to the border of Niger are continuing in March 2021 to an unprecedented extent. Another 2098 people arrived at the border post at Assamaka on 14th and 16th of March after being deported from Algeria according to the whistleblowers of Alarme Phone Sahara.

Thursday, 11 March 2021
Again deportation convoys from Algeria into the desert at the border of Niger!

Official and non-official mass deportation convoys from Algeria to the border of Niger are continuing in March 2021. According to the whistleblowers of Alarme Phone Sahara, at least 1054 people have arrived in March only at the border post of Assamaka after being deported.

Saturday, 14 November 2020
The mass deportations from Algeria to Niger continue - when will this drama be stopped?

At least 1089 people deported between 12th and 14th of November 2020. 

Saturday, 31 October 2020
Algeria - Niger: At least 6747 people deported since 30th of September

People who were deported report brutal violence and theft by Algerian security forces.


Thursday, 08 October 2020
Large scale deportations from Algeria to Niger continue - protest also from Human Rights Watch

Another deportation convoy arrived in Assamaka on 8th of October 2020. Human Rights Watch (HRW) condemns the Algerian state's violations of the rights of refugees and migrants.


Monday, 05 October 2020
New wave of deportations: More than 2500 citizens from sub-Saharan countries deported from Algeria and Morocco on a large scale

Alarme Phone Sahara condemns the racist treatment of migrants and refugees by the Maghreb states and their collaboration with the European border regime

Monday, 27 July 2020
Resumption of travel between African states - new large-scale deportations from Algeria to Niger

Alarme Phone Sahara (APS) Alarme Phone Sahara condemns the increased resumption of deportations and pushbacks from Algeria to Niger as traffic between African countries resumes.